Recorded: June 17, 2019

Duration: 30 minutes

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Lorna Keane

Lorna Keane

Content Lead
Devon Zdatny

Devon Zdatny

First & First Consulting

Capturing a client’s imagination is no easy task. When you’re developing pitches, it can be hard to break the mold and innovate. So how are small agencies winning big?

We'll provide concrete examples of how the right approach to consumer data helps agencies pinpoint true insight, and make clients believe in their ideas.

What's in this webinar?

CEO of First & First Consulting, Devon Zdatny, brings her expertise in tailoring insight to create compelling, data-driven pitches that wow clients. 
Learn how to handle data with ease, and get to the insights that matter. We’ll cover:

  • How to set out a vision for impactful pitching.

  • Practical ways to discover unique insights.

  • What you should look for in a data partner.

  • How to drive a pitch to success through storytelling.

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