Recorded: April 20, 2021

Duration: 45 minutes

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Virna Sekuj

Virna Sekuj

VP, Trends and Research (US)
Chase Buckle

Chase Buckle

Head of Global Trends

Brands are faced with many challenges. Not least among them is knowing exactly why consumer patterns happen.

And it’s become even more urgent, in a period of immense change.

In this facts-rich webinar to help you put color on the picture, we’ll show you how and why your consumer’s habits are shifting.

Dig into what’s permanently changing - and the consumer motivations that’ll tell you why. Now that’s insight.

What's in this webinar?

We’ll explore the themes affecting consumers in this era - and explain why you’re seeing change in your marketplace. Find out:

  • The technology usage patterns that matter.
  • How changing demand for ecommerce will impact your business.
  • The personal impact on consumers’ health in 2021.
  • Our data-led predictions for consumer spending.

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