Recorded: June 11, 2020

Duration: 45 minutes

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Chase Buckle

Chase Buckle

Trends Manager
Virna Sekuj

Virna Sekuj

Strategic Insight Manager

Coronavirus has had a sudden, cataclysmic effect - but where, in our communities and tools of society, is change here to stay?

Our fourth, global webinar on coronavirus insights will explore more deeply the themes of shifted behaviors, levels of concern, and adaptation to the world as we see it.

The consumer and their lifestyle is morphing in a fascinating way. Join the webinar to find out how.

What's in this webinar?

Digging into data collected from May 19 - 26 in 20 countries, we’ll uncover the key statistics on consumer sentiment and behavior during the pandemic. What are consumers likely to do once they go back to life as normal?

We’ll discover:

  • How have levels of concern changed?
  • What’s the current impact on purchasing intentions?
  • Is there a discrepancy between what consumers want, and what they’ll actually do?
  • Has the crisis made us more aware of climate issues?

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